Medically Underserved Areas By Zip Code

Minnesota Health Professional Shortage Areas Dental Urban map unavailable, use HRSA links belowPrimary Health Professional Shortage Areas - Primary Care, Minnesota, 2016 (PDF).. ORHPC plans to notify providers in areas where major changes to HPSA designations will occur after the scores have been officially determined.. ORHPC staff are continuing to provide data, local context, and input to federal staff as these changes are discussed and implemented to ensure that all HPSA designations are accurate and reflect the reality of provider shortage in Minnesota.

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The Minnesota Office of Rural Health and Primary Care helps underserved sites determine service areas, provides statistical information and prepares applications for federal shortage area designation.

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The Find Shortage Areas: Health Professional Shortage Area (HPSA) and Medically Underserved Area/Population (MUA/P) by Address tool helps you determine if a specific address is located in a designated shortage area.. Federal Shortage Designation Project The federal Shortage Designation Project, which began in 2014, is an effort to modernize the shortage designation process and improve transparency, accountability and parity in the HPSA designation and scoring process. Fabfilter Twin 2.02 Free Download For Mac

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One component of the project is to update existing geographic, population and some facility HPSA designations using national, standardized data sets directly from the source, such as National Provider Index (NPI), American Community Survey and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.. Throughout the U S , there are geographic areas, populations, and facilities with too few primary care, dental and mental health providers and services.. Shortage areas are designated by HRSA as specific geographic areas or sites that have the greatest need for health care.. Health Professional Shortage Areas (HPSA) and Medically Underserved Areas/Populations (MUA/P) are designations that help prioritize and focus our resources to help meet the health care needs of medically underserved rural and urban areas of Minnesota.. The first National Shortage Designation Update based on the new process will occur in July 2017.

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